

Currency and Exchange rate
unit of Korean currency is the Won. Coin denominations
are 5, 10, 50, 100, 500. Bank notes are 1,000,
5,000 and 10,000. Bank checks are circulated
in denominations of 100,000 and over. Foreign
currency and travelers checks can be converted
into Korean Won at foreign exchange banks and
other authorized money exchangers. Considering
your convenience, it would be better to exchange
money for international currencies (USD) and
exchange it again for Won in Seoul
cards, including VISA,
American Express, Diners Club, Master Card and
JCB, are accepted at major hotels, department
stores, and large restaurants.
Banking hours: Monday to Friday 09:30~16:30,
Saturday 09:30~13:30
Teller Machine
who carry internationally recognized credit
cards can withdraw cash from their accounts
or get a cash advance at Automated Teller Machines(ATMs)
installed at major hotels, department stores,
subway stations and tourist attractions.
addition, travelers holding any ATM card with
Cirrus or Plus logo can withdraw cash from their
checking and savings accounts or get cash advance
at any of 11 Citibank branches in Korean, English,
Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish,
Dutch, Italian, Arabic, and Portuguese.
080-023-9900, or www.citibank.com