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        Welcoming Remarks (by president of organizing committee of Seoul International Labor Media)

    A proposal to all of comrade

    Worldwide workers' Conference, International Labor Media which firstly initiated in 1997, now facing 3rd anniversary. This unique conference has drawn great attention and spotlight in the sphere of international labor circle.

    As the myth of dot-com industry reveals itself as another impetus of economic crisis, and as the activities using media technologies for the labor movement in different countries becomes more vibrant and diverse than ever, the working class viewpoint on challenges and potentials provided by new media technologies become critical for the progress of democratic labor movement as a whole.

    Based on this basic concern, the Korean progressive communication activists will hold the third international Labor Media conference with the fifth Seoul International Labor Film and Video Festival during the coming November.

    With the initiative of "JinboNet"(Korean progressive network, http://www.jinbo.net) and "NodongNet"(LaborNet in South Korea, http://www.nodong.net) and the sponsorship of KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions', http://www.nodong.org), this conference will be one of the most important events for labor communication activists world wide to discuss the broad issues related to the challenge and the potential of new communication technologies following the acclaimed LaborMedia '97 and '99.

    This year, we are also going to hold this labor media congress, transferring 5 year-old history within comprehensive participation of labor circle from all over the world.

    This year, faced with whole drastic attack of neo-liberalism, we propose to hold a 3rd Seoul International labor media jointly with other groups for progressing in worker's international solidarity much closer than any other round with exchanging accomplishments among activists by each country.

    Wish you enjoy yourself at the fullest extent.









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